The Green Economy, by Brett Shearer
There is a significant shift happening. Across the globe there is agreement that the current economic model is unsustainable – on a planet with finite resources. The widening gap of inequality between rich and poor has reached outrageous levels. At dinner tables and in boardrooms the dialogue is focused on global warming, leadership and change.
One of the buzzwords is sustainability and in 1989, academics devised a business model.
The Green Economy.
L Hunter Lovins summarised it as “Sustainable ways of living and working that honor the interconnections between healthy human communities, intact ecosystems, and prosperous economies for current and future generations.”
Utopian dream, anybody?
Photo by Master Wen
We recognize it as a blueprint for the sustainable cultivation of global economies that synchronously meet the development of human potential. Most importantly it’s designed to preserve, protect and restore the earths natural resource systems. Furthermore, picture this: A holistic blend of environmental, financial, government and human systems integrated together to provide and restore well being. Dad, are we there yet? All the solutions are at our disposal. Right now! There’s a huge push toward recycling, water management, renewable energy and organically produced agriculture. Naturally, business opportunities arise and many jobs will be created in these sectors. Here we have the foundation of a fledgling Green Economy.
Photo by Brooke Cagle
Intact communities and functioning eco systems give trillions of dollars worth of resources and services, but these are all treated as having a value of zero. Is this good business or even good capitalism? Far from it. Our generation has the opportunity to usher in this revolutionary transformation of life as we know it. Therefore its our collective and personal moral obligation to ensure that sustainable actions are taken to improve conditions of life on planet earth.
Imagine a world where our kids are taught about Natural Building, vegetable production and water management. These are the basic human rights laid out in our celebrated constitution.
Photo from
As the world shifts from the wasteful, polluting technologies of the industrial revolution, our mentality is also shifting. Let’s support the alternatives proposed to ensure the generations to come inherit an earth to flourish on and care for. This is our collective responsibility.
Photo by Scott Webb
Human consciousness is always evolving. Yet it is important to remember our roots and use our phenomenal understanding of technology to rekindle our connection to the land and sky.
Photo by Sealand Gear ambassador and master lensman Sacha Specker
Exciting times of transformation are afoot, and it starts with us as individuals. Let us embrace the words of the enlightened Ghandi and “be the change you wish to see in the world.”